the mixing is really quite bad... after turning my volume up like a mother fucker to be able to hear this I nearly died when I listened to other music
Star seemed to write verses that could've been directed at anyone especially the first verse where he even said he had no personals for it, so it seems almost redundant, even in the second verse it's pretty much again lines that could be pointed at anyone, except for a few lines and rebuttals that were quite nice, also he had a pretty good flow and delivery.
Masochist had some good lines, a nice flow and more personals, but his delivery was really lacking in punch and sounded quite monotonous. Towards the end it sounded like he was struggling with the last bars when you could even hear him almost shaking on his last word, which in my opinion are some important factors, cause you could have the greatest bars in the world but if you can't deliver them well or to a good enough standard then they'll fall flat as fuck. Not saying they fell flat as fuck, but if delivered better they'd have hit harder.
So I'm saying it's a tie.